Thursday 8 November 2012

US election, China's change of leadership and the War on Women

With Obama's re election, women's rights have won a victory in the US, now how about we ask Mr Obama to use his position to help see to it that Women in China and Occupied Tibet also get their basic human rights. The war on women in these countries continues, largely, unnoticed and unchallenged. 

Much has been posted about the the US election over the past few weeks, particularly, in the news threads I've been receiving on twitter and Facebook. And about the catastrophic effect Romney would have had on women's rights had he been elected. The "war on women" it's been rightly called. But to date I'm seeing very little about China's leadership hand over. The war on women in occupied Tibet and China is a daily reality, that continues to be inflicted on countless women in that part of the world. This is not something that might happen, should one leader be elected over another, this is an ongoing reality. The difference being, in China's leadership hand over,  there is no alternative, better candidate, as women in occupied Tibet and communist China will continue to live under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party.

So far as I know, in the run up the US election, neither Obama or Romney paid much, if any attention, to the issue of human rights in occupied Tibet or China. For all Obama's commitments to women's issues in the US. So is it to be assumed from this, that the issues of gender abuses in these countries, forced abortions, forced sterilisations, female gendercide, don't really figure on his agenda. 

So, what would my wish list for action on this issue be? Well, if every woman who voted for Obama because of his policies regarding women's issues, if everyone woman who posted on Facebook, or tweeted to encourage others to vote for Obama, if every woman who took the time to care about women's issues in the US used a bit of her time to write to Obama concerning women's issues in occupied Tibet and China, how could he fail to take notice? Women in occupied Tibet and China have not had the same democratic opportunity to vote with their feet so to speak, that women in the US have had. 

For more information on the situation in occupied Tibet, see the following web sites

Shocking images of Palden Choetso, a 35-year-old nun from Geden Choeling Nunnery in Tawu, eastern Tibet, who died after lighting herself on fire on November 3 2011, has been obtained from sources in Tibet. One video shows Palden Choetso standing upright as flames engulf her body. Additional footage shows Tibetans' response to the self-immolation, including nuns protesting and chanting "Freedom to Tibet"; thousands of Tibetans at a candlelight vigil early on the morning of her funeral; and Chinese security forces converging on Nyitso Monastery.

Tibetan sources report that following her self-immolation, Palden Choetso's body was taken to Nyitso Monastery. Her funeral was held early in the morning on November 6th. Tawu town is located in Kardze prefecture of the Tibetan province of Kham (annexed by China into Sichuan and Yunnan provinces after 1965), an area long known for actively resisting Chinese rule. Following the widespread protests in Tibet in 2008, Chinese forces have been stationed in and around Tawu town.

"Top human rights activists are criticizing the lack of any explicit reference to human rights issues in China during the presidential debate on Monday, despite the fact that an entire section of the debate was devoted to discussing China."

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
–Martin Luther King, Jr.

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